Parent’s day is a special occasion to celebrate the love and dedication of all parents. It is a day to appreciate the sacrifices that parents […]
Author: Mummy
Sagging Breasts: What You Need to Know to Regain Confidence
As women age, their breasts undergo changes that can lead to sagging, which can be a source of insecurity and low self-esteem. Sagging breasts can […]
The Best Ways You Can Support Breast Cancer Patients
Breast cancer is a disease that affects many women around the world. It’s important to remember that breast cancer is a deadly disease. No one […]
Make a Compelling Statement with Reflective Glitter
Everyone likes to go to parties. So, you dress according to the occasion and want to look your best. Similarly, your nail polish should also […]
Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy: Food Components You Must Include in Your Diet
It is important for pregnant women to include the right food components in their diets in order to ensure that their unborn children receive the […]
Makeup Tricks That Everyone with Dry Skin Should Know
Dry skin is a common problem, especially in the winter months when the air is dry and cold. But even if you live in a […]
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Gels
The nail enthusiasts love chip-free manicures and if they ever have to splurge on something, it would be a long-lasting manicure. Speculating the fact that […]
Tips to Tackle Different Skin Types and Issues Faced by Them While Doing Makeup
Skin is the first part of the body that gets exposed to the outside world. Any infective particle, dirt, dust or pollutant comes in contact […]
Tips to Solve the Problems of Broken Nails
The most frustrating thing for women can be that most women are broken nails or nails suddenly peel off before the “G” looks very messy. […]
Essential Nail Items You Must Have at Home in 2021
As we continue to practice social distancing, you should know that there are numerous nail items you can use to beautify yourself at home with […]